
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Vintage market; Ijhallen Amsterdam - Treasures

 Hey lovelies, those who follow me on twitter might know that last Sunday, I went to this huge vintage/flea market here in Amsterdam. With a ferry you get to Amsterdam North, there is an awesome piece of "deserted" terrain with with abandoned warehouses and a huge abandoned dock. In between all this, there is this awesome cafe called Noorderlicht. It's my favorite hang out for the summer, they often have live music and a campfire and pool-tables, just a wonderful laid back vibe. On this terrain they have festivals and the flea market. There was so much junk, like "why would people sell this cr*p?", but then with some luck there were also some treasures! August 7th is the last outside market, it's a great experience and maybe you'll find something nice too! 
A little cafe bar in the middle of nowhere, relaxed vibe with self service, live music, pick nick tables and beach chairs.
one of the isles with stalls  
This girl found a bison, and carried it on her back :)
My über stylish friend got these bamboo forks, there was a set of spoons as well, but someone snatched them from her
2 orchid pins and another vintage looking pin
I got this adorable decanter with a cactus on top and using it as a water pitcher, to make all day water drinking in the summer look caribbean chic :)

1 comment:

  1. Haha I love the decanter!! Very island life indeed:)
