
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Home-made Pasta with Roasted Rainbow Tomatoes

 Last Sunday I made fresh pasta (as you could have seen on Instagram). One of my favorite and oh, so easy recipes is this one; oven roasted tomatoes, eat them with fresh pasta or even on a toasted baguette, yum! It's all about the freshness of the pasta and the quality and taste of the different tomatoes (from the organic market).
 What you need;
- Different cherry tomatoes (look for them at your local farmers market)
- Fresh sage
- Garlic
- Olive Oil
- Salt & Pepper

1. Cut (or keep them whole), Season and drizzle olive oil over the tomatoes
2. pop them in the oven on a high temrature (180*c/200*c) until the tomatoes are roasted
3. Serve them over your fresh (or store bought) pasta
Et Voila! Bon Appétit! 
Follow me on Twitter and Instagram @FemiMeaux